The objectives

Overreaching objective

To improve outcome of patients with osteosarcoma, in terms of duration and quality of life of survivors.

Specific objectives

– To encourage multidisciplinary interactions between researchers, clinicians and patient/parent advocates to accelerate early new drug development;

– To promote collaborative translational research and biobanking in osteosarcoma;

– To promote clinical research in systemic and local therapies for all patients with osteosarcoma independently of resectability, tumor location and staging across all Europe, with integration of new therapies in randomized clinical trials and then into standard of care;

– To promote exchange of young investigators and clinicians in referral centers of the consortium;

– To promote educational meetings for young investigators and clinicians;

– To facilitate participation in age inclusive clinical trials with novel therapeutic agents for osteosarcoma;

– To increase our knowledge of local and systemic treatment late effects;

– To promote collaborative data sharing in osteosarcoma.


The Consortium will be responsible for the development and maintenance of a strategy to strengthen, harmonize and optimize collaborative efforts by a network of clinicians, researchers, patient and parent advocates working at the European level to achieve the overarching and specific objectives and cover the current knowledge and treatment gap in Europe for osteosarcoma.

Contact us

Gustave Roussy
114, rue Édouard-Vaillant
94805 Villejuif Cedex - France

+33 (0)1 42 11 42 11


The consortium
The Objectives
The Parents & Patients
The Work Packages


The consortium
The research
The parents & patients


Terms and conditions